Pre Painting / Maintenance Inspection

Pre Painting / Maintenance Inspection

Don’t re-paint your home only to find out later that you have other problems to fix first.

Infrared Moisture Check First!!

It makes sense to check your property first with an Infrared/Thermal Imaging Moisture inspection before you proceed with any maintenance work.

It is better to know about any problems and make plans to rectify them during your maintenance work.

Having just completed some maintenance/painting, you don’t want to find a problem with moisture in the framework and have to remove cladding/gib to repair the problem. If this was the case, you would end up paying twice for the repaired area not to mention colour matching which may not be exact the second time around.

With our Pre Painting/Maintenance inspections we also highlight any negative design areas that your home may have. With our extensive experience over the last 11 years we know where problems can occur. Some of these problem areas are easy to change and much cheaper when you are already doing the work, rather than have someone come around to repair a small area in the future. If this is undertaken during your re-paint the repairs will all blend in and are not noticeable.

Undertaking our Pre Painting/Maintenance inspections will help save you money in the long term.
You are better to know about a problem than to have it go undetected

“Call us now for a free quote over the phone“ 0800 40 50 10